Sustainability-related disclosures

Introduction to Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation

On 10 March 2021, the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (Regulation 2019/2088) (‘SFDR’) entered into force. This regulation requires all alternative investment fund managers to publicly disclose on their website:

  • their sustainability approaches
  • the sustainability profiles of all of their managed funds that are marketed after 10 March 2021

Below you can find these two regulatory disclosures.

CIP’s 2023 PAI statement

For CIP's PAI statement under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, please download the file below. 

CIP’s 2023 PAI statement
PDF (0.20 MB)

CIP’s sustainability approach

CIP’s sustainability approach is described in the section above titled ‘Sustainability and Responsible Investment’ and the overview which can be downloaded above.

For CIP’s formal disclosure statement under the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation please download the file below.

CIP’s formal disclosure statement
PDF (0.14 MB)

Sustainability profile of funds

CIP manages various funds which have been marketed after 10 March 2021. Currently, CI IV, CI V, CI ETF I, CI GCF I, CI ABF I and CI GMF II are currently assessed as Article 9 (“dark green”) funds. CI II, CI III, and CI NMF I are currently assessed as Article 8 (“light green”) funds

Under the SFDR, funds can be generally classified in three ways:

  • Article 6 funds, which do not have any sustainable or ESG element or strategy
  • Article 8 funds, which promote, among other characteristics, environmental or social characteristics (“light green” funds)
  • Article 9 funds, which have, as their objective, investments in economic activities that contribute to environmental or social objectives (“dark green” funds)
CI-II website disclosure
PDF (0.24 MB)
C-III website disclosure
PDF (0.24 MB)
CI-IV website disclosure
PDF (0.36 MB)
CI-V website disclosure
PDF (0.37 MB)
CI-NMF I website disclosure
PDF (0.23 MB)
CI-ETF I website disclosure
PDF (0.35 MB)
CI-GCF I website disclosure
PDF (0.37 MB)
CI-ABF I website disclosure
PDF (0.37 MB)
CI-Artemis website disclosure
PDF (0.21 MB)
CI-GMF II website disclosure
PDF (0.48 MB)