We are part of the VindØ consortium that in 2020 presented the vision of the world’s first energy island: VindØ The artificial island is to be built in the Danish part of the North Sea, around 100 km from land. Here, optimal conditions exist for generating clean, green energy using wind turbines.
The island will help enable the electrification of Danish society and allow the electricity consumption of Danish households and companies to be covered by green electricity. Initially, the island will be able to accommodate 3 GW of offshore wind. Over time, the island will connect up to 10 GW.
High-Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) technology will be used to bundle energy from several windfarms and transport this to Denmark. The electricity from the energy islands can also be exported to our neighboring countries and thus contribute to the green transition in Europe.
The island will include a harbour which can be used to support offshore wind farm installation and optimize operations and maintenance (O&M) activities as well as other co-use options.
In the long run, energy sources must be able to connect technologies that can store or convert this green power into, for example, green fuels (through so-called “Power-to-X”).
Across the world CIP is engaged in green energy and infrastructure projects. Here are a few of them.